Tuesday 7 April 2015

DA & Demolition

DA Approved - pop the champagne!

The DA was approved in excellent time for a Christmas period we were very happy! The only issue was that we had to wait for Provincial's Christmas break to finish on the 19th January to get things under way... we jumped ahead and locked in the demolition date and started to look for somewhere to rent nearby in the meantime.

In hindsight given the engineering delays maybe we could have moved out and started the demolition a little later but this was a good time when work was quiet and family was available to help.  Thanks to our family for all their hard work!

Before the demolition we started the arduous task of selling everything we could - and we mean everything... Doors, gutters, toilets, kitchen, A/C units... the list goes on. Generally we sold the high value items via ebay and left the rest to a big demolition sale.

The Demolition

We went with the builders recommended demolishing company Site demolition Pty Ltd after getting a few similar priced quotes and talking the husband / wife owners and being impressed with how genuine they were.

The process went smoothly just taking just a little longer than planned due to a excavator breakdown (it was old and a bit undersized and was replaced immediately after our job). Surprisingly we were not too emotional as I think we both had the new house in focus (and we had seen a steady decline after the demolition sale). See pictures below:-




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